The Air Force JROTC is starting a new, challenging and exceptionally elite competition team known as the Raider Team. The Raider Team is loosely modeled after the Special Operations Army Rangers. Our team values include exemplary devotion to fitness, excellent self-discipline and completely selfless commitment to the team and our comrades.
The overall goal for Raiders will be helping foster the will to "NEVER QUIT!" Whether that be in academics or on an obstacle course, Raiders will fight till the end.
Raiders wear the distinctive Raider tab on their uniform, a black Raider cord, and a Raider Team arc badge.
Each cadet will have to work very hard to earn and keep each of these unique uniform devices. No Raider is ever to be left behind during any event, at school, or in life. Grades are extremely important.
We are one team. When we do compete, Raider Teams compete against other schools in the following events:
Forced March: A team march in complete fatigue uniform and boots with 1 quart of water to hydrate while walking. The distances vary per event, but almost always are a minimum of 3 miles in length.
PT Test: Each Raider completes the standard Air Force or Army PT Test.
First Aid: The team members must perform basic first aid and transport the casualty using the standard litter and improvised litters.
Land Navigation: The Raiders must navigate from one location to another on unfamiliar terrain using a map and a compass.
Obstacle Course: Each site uses a proprietary obstacle course, therefore upper, lower body and abdominal strength is paramount to team success.
One Rope Bridge: The Raider Team constructs a one-rope bridge across a 60-foot gully, safely moves each team member across to the other side, then disassembles the rope bridge and continues its mission.
Low Crawl/High Crawl: The team members negotiate a course on their bellies using their legs and arms to propel themselves to the other side of the obstacle. Raiders will always get muddy!